10 Tips To Stay On Track With Nutrition In The New Year

10 Tips To Stay On Track With Nutrition In The New Year

The start of a new year is a great time to kick off healthy habits and set some new year goals. Nutrition should be an integral part of your health and wellness routine, but knowing what will energise you and help you smash your targets can be tricky. To get you started, here are our top ten new year diet ten tips to keep you on track with your nutrition in 2023.

How To Stay On Track With Nutrition

So, 2023 has arrived, and you're like a coiled spring, ready to get after your new year fitness and nutrition goals. You've got a vision for what you want to achieve, but you'll probably need some help to ensure you stay on track with your new year's nutrition resolutions. Good job HERMOSA is here with some handy hints and tips that will keep you motivated and help you to carve out a routine you can stick to right through the year. 

Alright, let's get into it! Here are our top ten new year diet tips for keeping your nutrition on point:

1. Make Realistic Goals

Setting realistic fitness and nutrition goals is key to staying on track. Start by writing down short-term achievable and measurable goals, like eating more fruit and vegetables or completing 30 minutes of exercise a day. Accomplishing these bitesize goals will give you the momentum to eventually reach your longer-term goals.

2. Track Your Progress

Tracking your progress is important in sticking to your new year goals. For example, keeping a journal of what you eat and how active you are can show you what's working and whether you need to make any changes. Fitness trackers and apps can also give you plenty of useful data to track your progress and keep your motivation high. 

3. Treat Yourself

Rewards are important when trying to stick to a new year diet plan and a new healthy routine. Treating yourself allows you to celebrate your successes without compromising your new year goals. A massage, new workout gear or a healthy meal with friends are all great ways to reward yourself for all the hard yards you're putting in.

4. Prep Meals In Advance

Planning and prepping your meals in advance is a tried and tested way to stay on track with your new year nutrition. Prepping meals (weekends work best) means you're less likely to reach for those last-minute takeaways. Plus, be sure to add some healthy snacks, like fruit and nuts, in your work or gym bag for when hunger strikes.

5. Prioritise Protein

Protein is essential for building muscle, providing energy and keeping you feeling fuller for longer. So, for an easy way to add more protein to your diet, why not add criminally delicious HERMOSA whey or vegan protein powder to your shakes, smoothies, pancakes or oats? Check out these ten easy ways to use protein for more inspo.

6. Ask For Help

Getting help from a personal trainer or nutritionist can be a great way to keep on track with your fitness routine and diet. A PT can help you create a workout plan that works just as hard as you do, and a nutritionist can help you create a diet that fits your lifestyle. But, of course, don't forget to tap into the knowledge of your local gym staff too.

7. Hydrate And Rest

Dehydration can negatively impact your performance. So aim to drink at least eight glasses of water daily, and be sure to hydrate while exercising. Rest is also key to staying on track with your new year goals. Getting your recommended eight hours of sleep every night will help you to repair, re-energise and make solid nutrition choices.

8. Kick The Cravings

If you're constantly craving unhealthy snacks or fast food, sometimes willpower alone won't get you through. Getting active is a great way to shift your focus and kick the cravings into touch. Try smashing out a five-minute HIIT circuit (think burpees, push-ups, squats) to bring your attention back to your new year fitness and diet goals.   

9. Get fresh

Fresh fruit and vegetables are packed with vitamins and are great for keeping your energy levels topped up all day. They also make delicious, nutritious snacks, and you can load up on as much as you like. So make sure you get plenty of fresh produce in your diet to fuel your workouts and keep your new year's diet plan in check. 

10. Buddy Up

Buddy up with a friend or family member to support you on your fitness and nutrition journey. Sometimes it's easier to show up for someone else than it is for yourself. Plus, it makes the whole experience way more fun. So don't hesitate to turn your fitness new year's resolutions into a team effort – you won't regret it!  

Team Up With HERMOSA In 2023

Now that you've got all the tools you need to stay on track with your new year nutrition, make 2023 the year you push on and achieve your fitness goals. Have fun, keep moving, and enjoy the journey! And don't forget to bring HERMOSA along for the ride! Our award-winning vegan protein powder and whey protein powders are full of the finest ingredients, mix like a dream, and taste so heavenly that they'll soon become your number one motivation to succeed.     

Shop the HERMOSA collection today.


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